Friday, August 8, 2008

blog up dates

Sorry i`ve been neglecting this blog through work, illness and holidays,
i shall try to update in the next week or so

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

blog probs

seem to be having problems posting pix at the moment but will suss it soon

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Gallipoli and the Dardanelles,
Achi Baba and Sedd-ul-Bahr,
Salt Lake and Scimitar Hill.

Kitchener, Willmer, Fisher,
Hampshire, Lancashire, Ayrshire,
Gurkha, Mustapha, Suvla,

Sitwell and Stopford,
Ross and Cromarty,
Hamilton and Braithwaite.

Monash, Morto, Murdoch,
Keyes, Keysor, Krithia,
Pope's, Punjabis, Paris.

Twelve Tree Copse and Redoubt,
Gully Ravine and Anzac,
The Vineyard and Courtney's.

de Lisle, de Robeck, de Tott's.
Rounds, rifles, reinforcements,
shortages, shortages, shortages!

Disease, death, debacle and defeat.
Homeric heroism remembered and revered,
alive, sacred, forever and ever.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Club Do is Looming

Below is the date of the next Regimental Club Reunion at The Royal Sailors Home Club, Queens Street, Portsmouth
Saturday 22 March 2008
dont forget the Prelims in the Hogs Head and Bucket (now the Surrey Arms)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Farmers boy

The sun had set beyond yon hill,
Across the dreary moor,
When weary and lame, a boy there came,
Up to the farmer's door,
"Can you tell me whe'ere I be,
And one that will me employ,"

To plough and sow, to reap and mow,
And be a farmer's boy,
And be a farmer's boy?

The farmer's wife cried "Try the lad,
Let him no longer seek".
"Yes Father do" the Daughter cried,
While the tears rolled down her cheek:
"For those who would work, 'tis hard to want
And wander for employ".

Don't let him go, but let him stay,
And be a farmer's boy,
And be a farmer's boy?

The Farmer's Boy grew up a man,
And the good old couple died,
They left the lad the farm they had,
And the daughter for his bride;
Now the lad that was, the farm now has,
Oft he thinks and smiles with joy.

Oh, happy day he came that way,
To be a Farmer's Boy,
To be a Farmer's Boy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008


There is nothing i can tell you
That you really do not know-
Except that we are on the ridge
And Fritz is down below.
I`m tired of "situations"
and of "wind" entirely "vane",
The gas-guard yawns and tells me
"it`s blownig up for rain"
He`s a human little fellow
With a thoughtful point of view.
And his report(uncensored)
I pass, please, on to you.
"Whens old Fritzie coming over?
Does the General really know?
The Colonel seems too think so,
The Capitain tells us "No".
When`s someone going to tell us
We can stand-to as before?
An hour at dawn and one at dusk,
Lor`blimey, who wants more?"

This tickled me

Spoil Bank,Ypres Salient
1. This position will be held, and the section will remain here untill relieved.
2. The enemy cannot be allowed to interfere with this programme.
3. If the section cannot remain here alive, it will remain here dead, but in any case it will remain here.
4. Should any man through shell shock or other cause attempt to surrender, he will remain here dead.
5. Should all guns be blown out, the section will use Mills bombs and other novelties.
6. Finally the postion as stated, will be held.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

From Gaz

Club dates

Below are the dates which have been booked for the Regimental Club Reunions at The Royal Sailors Home Club, Queens Street, Portsmouth
Saturday 22 March 2008
Saturday 29 March 2009
Saturday 27 March 2010
Saturday 26 March 2011
Saturday 31 March 2012
Saturday 30 March 2013
Saturday 29 March 2014

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bet they never had Compo

The Boer War

Lost And Found (hopefully)

This is a copy of a message left on my other site, if you can help leave a message here or on the other site ta!
"Hi all you lads from 1R.Hamps, I am Mick Smith, I was with the DERR in the early to mid 70's, did my training at Whittington Barracks,Lichfield, want to trace an old mate by the name of SAUNDERS, we used to call him SARGE, he is about 5' 6", very deep gruff voice, originates from Derby I believe. Last seen in Gough Barracks, Armagh in 1974 'ish,can anyone remember him? better still, anyone know where he is so I cancontact him? Cheers lads.......... Smudger"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Colour party Tidworth

Speech by The Bishop of Winchester

"No one knows better, than a soldier the horrors of war,and its evil. It is a strange paradox that out of the misery and wretchedness of war some of the finest human qualities can emerge. Courage, yes; comradeship in adversity, the determination to over come in dreadful conditions, unselfishness, trust and relience on one another, the refusal to let others down; a strong bond between Officers, NCOs and Private soldiers; without false sentiment, a band of brothers."
(a snippet from the right reverend Colin James)