Thursday, March 6, 2008


There is nothing i can tell you
That you really do not know-
Except that we are on the ridge
And Fritz is down below.
I`m tired of "situations"
and of "wind" entirely "vane",
The gas-guard yawns and tells me
"it`s blownig up for rain"
He`s a human little fellow
With a thoughtful point of view.
And his report(uncensored)
I pass, please, on to you.
"Whens old Fritzie coming over?
Does the General really know?
The Colonel seems too think so,
The Capitain tells us "No".
When`s someone going to tell us
We can stand-to as before?
An hour at dawn and one at dusk,
Lor`blimey, who wants more?"

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