Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lost And Found (hopefully)

This is a copy of a message left on my other site, if you can help leave a message here or on the other site ta!
"Hi all you lads from 1R.Hamps, I am Mick Smith, I was with the DERR in the early to mid 70's, did my training at Whittington Barracks,Lichfield, want to trace an old mate by the name of SAUNDERS, we used to call him SARGE, he is about 5' 6", very deep gruff voice, originates from Derby I believe. Last seen in Gough Barracks, Armagh in 1974 'ish,can anyone remember him? better still, anyone know where he is so I cancontact him? Cheers lads.......... Smudger"

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